Guitar Books
This 4-volume teaching series continues to be enormously successful and popular. It aims to stimulate young players in particular, with all the new technical and musical ideas introduced one by one in a lucid and logical fashion.The light heartedillustrations by Peter Nuttall and Gerald Garcia are another attractive feature of the series.
The long awaited songbook of one of the most popular players of all time. These ten tunes are among the most popular songs sung by Hank Williams. The Tab and Online Audio features the intro, backup behind the singer, the turn around and the ending of each song. You will be surprised that Don never used the E13th tuning as we know it. He had the 7th and 8th strings tuned to C# and A, and he never once used a slant bar position! The solo book can be played on the 6 or 8 string guitar as Don never used the 7th and 8th strings in this book. Online Audio includes every tune and backup for each.
This book teaches the most crucial function of a chord instrument in the Celtic seisun (session)- that of playing tasteful, interesting, imaginative, and supportive improvised accompaniment. Celtic Back-Up includes accurate and directly applicable information on the theory, conception, stylistic considerations, procedures, and resources for accompaniment. These concepts are particularly useful in an improvisational setting.
The Mel Bay Guitar Chords book is considered to be the largest selling basic guitar chord book ever published! Twelve basic guitar chord types are shown in three ways: photograph, notation, and chord diagram. In addition, a special bonus section is contained showing in photo and diagram the essential moveable rhythm guitar chord forms. This special section contains the basics of Mel Bay's acclaimed Rhythm Chord Playing System showing the guitarist how to finger numerous advanced chord forms with a minimum of hand movement!
This book offers a large number of essential chords and scales for the DADGAD tuning of the guitar. The material assembled here opens up a multitude of possibilities to expand and improve your playing in this unique tuning. Chords are shown in their customary harmonic contexts.
The Complete Junior Guitarist is the perfect starter course for young boys and girls.
The latest instalment in Kate's songbook collection, this brand new book of written music (single line melodies and chord letter symbols) and lyrics containing songs from Kate’s 4 recent albums;
Make the Light,
Life in a Paper Boat &
Philosophers, Poets & Kings.
A total of 44 songs from Kate’s repertoire.
Strum Together songbooks feature melody, lyrics, and chord diagrams for five popular folk instruments displayed together in an easy-to-use format. With this edition, you can play 47 Dylan classics on ukulele, baritone ukulele, guitar, mandolin, and/or banjo! This is a great resource for stringed instrument players who are ready to experience the fun of making music together. Songs include: All Along the Watchtower · All I Really Want to Do · Blowin' in the Wind · Forever Young · Girl from the North Country · Gotta Serve Somebody · A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall · Highway 61 Revisited · It Ain't Me, Babe · Jokerman · Just like a Woman · Knockin' on Heaven's Door · Lay, Lady, Lay · Like a Rolling Stone · Maggie's Farm · Mr. Tambourine Man · Quinn, the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) · Tangled up in Blue · The Times They Are A-Changin' · and more.
This 4-volume teaching series continues to be enormously successful and popular. It aims to stimulate young players in particular, with all the new technical and musical ideas introduced one by one in a lucid and logical fashion.The light hearted illustrations by Peter Nuttall and Gerald Garcia are another attractive feature of the series.
A visual way to master chords and scales on six string Dobro and lap steel guitars in open G tuning. * All chord and scale positions are presented as graphs, letting the player become fully familiarized with the instrument. * Each graph describes a different position showing the neck to its full length so the player will see the book as if the instrument is lying on their lap. * This book offers numerous positions of chords in all twelve keys as well as most essential scales and modes.
A comprehensive collection of nearly 50 Bluegrass standards expertly arranged for Piano, Vocal and Guitar.
Discover the quintessential Irish tonalities and hamonies of the DADGAD tuning system, and how to apply the tuning to all your solo and session playing. This comprehensive book provides clear details of chords, scales and theiruse in the melodies of the Irish tradition. As with any open tunings, the harmonic possibilities of combining melodies with chiming open strings will add a unique richness and warmth to your Guitar playing. Audio-onine of demonstrated examples is included to help you get the best from this excellent tutorial.
You need only minimal playing skills and three chords--G, C, and D7--to accompany all the great songs in this innovative book. If you are just getting started, or if you are a "casual" player on a chording instrument, this is the perfect book for you. The book is absolutely bursting with a great variety of music: Old-time, bluegrass, gospel, Christmas, children's, Stephen Foster, British and Celtic, cowboy, blues, and more. Because melody and lyrics are provided with every song, singers will also enjoy this wonderful collection of the world's favorite songs. Truly a book of outstanding arrangements, made playable for folks who play for their own enjoyment. (Some of these songs, like "Dark Hollow" and "Way Downtown," are hard to find in print.) Guitar, uke, and five-string banjo diagrams are included for the three chords, along with tips on strumming and transposing tips for singers. An invaluable reference book for teachers and pros, too!
Teach yourself authentic bluegrass guitar with this book and audio pack. The book contains clear instructions on the basics: right- and left-hand techniques, solos, backup, personal advice on performance, and much more, as well as a complete selection of the best bluegrass songs to learn from. The audio contains recorded examples contained in the book and backing tracks for several songs. Written by Russ Barenberg, an acclaimed Nashville session player, whose playing has been featured on dozens of top country and bluegrass albums over the years. Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.
Stacy Phillips is an internationally acclaimed soloist and author on Resonator Guitar. This comprehensive book took years to produce and is the culmination of Stacy's many years of playing the instrument, studying new Resonator techniques and interviewing other Resonator greats
The purpose of this book is to present the essential elements of flatpicking guitar. Particular attention is given to correct pick direction which is a crucial element of smooth flatpicking. The first part of the book covers basic rythm and chords and the second section deals with beginning lead flatpicking
An easy to follow chord book, with over 180 of the most useful chords specially arranged for left-handers.
An easy to follow book with over 100 of the most useful scales, specially arranged for left-handers.
An introduction to basic, first-position chords for the beginning guitarist. Includes large, easy-to-read photos and diagrams. A must for the absolute beginner.
Easy solos in several styles for beginners, including Shine On, Harvest Moon; Saint Louis Blues; Maui Chimes; Home Sweet Home; Sun's Gonna Shine in My Back Door; and many others. Each tune includes a complete explanation of rhythm and playing hints. In G tuning with tablature only.
Songs and music feaured in 'The Complete Guitar Player'. Includes 'Blowin In the Wind', 'hey Jude', 'Scarborough Fiar' and 'Wonderful Tonight'. 12 great songs in easy-to-play arrangements.
Understanding DADGAD is a complete introduction to using the DADGAD tuning for fingerstyle acoustic guitar. The book systematically explores the tuning, starting with simple chords and scale patterns, ultimately showing how DADGAD can be used to play in nearly any key and in many different musical styles. Topics include moveable and open-string chords and scales, intervals, the harp-effect, common chord progressions in DADGAD and more, all in the context of either short musical examples or complete tunes.
Learn to play chords and scales on the pedal steel Guitar. This simple-to-follow guide includes over 1,100 chords and 430 scale forms.
A step-by-step approach to classical guitar. This includes:
A look-and-learn course that used clear pictures instead of long explanations
Practical advice and tips covering everything you need to know about setting up, playing and maintenance
CD demonstration tracks, plus full-length accompaniments to play along with
Develop correct playing techniques
Learn to read and understand standard music notation and guitar tab