Mandolin / Bouzouki Books
Noted mandolinist and teacher Del Grosso presents this excellent mandolin method that features great playable tunes in several styles (bluegrass, country, folk, and blues) in standard music notation and tab. You'll be playing in no time with this step-by-step method that includes a whole host of invaluable tips on:
Buying Instruments,
Mandolin Anatomy
Music Reading Fundamentals
Music Notation and Tablature
Single-Note picking and Tremolo Picking
Double stops, Chords, Scales and Modes
and much more!
This book teaches the most crucial function of a chord instrument in the Celtic seisun (session)- that of playing tasteful, interesting, imaginative, and supportive improvised accompaniment. Celtic Back-Up includes accurate and directly applicable information on the theory, conception, stylistic considerations, procedures, and resources for accompaniment. These concepts are particularly useful in an improvisational setting.
Strum, sing and pick along with these 25 Beatles favourites arranged for Mandolin.
This songbook includes Across the Universe, And I Love Her, Eight Days a Week, Eleanor Rigby, Here Comes the Sun, Here, There and Everywhere, Hey Jude, In My Life, Let It Be, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Penny Lane, Yellow Submarine, Yesterday and more.
This is the most useful chord book yet devised for the mandolin player.Because the chords are arranged in keys, you can locate those most often used in any key without having to flip through the whole book. This convenient grouping enables you to find the most used chords in a key with just the turn of a page. With its slim shape the book slips easily into your instrument case.
This brilliant songbook, Folk Songs For Mandolin, features more than 40 traditional favorites arranged specifically for mandolin, including John Henry, Kumbaya and Man of Constant Sorrow.
Full lyrics included.
A detailed course for those who have already covered the basics of Mandolin playing, incorporating closed position playing, position shifts, fourth finger workouts, chordal arrangements, bunched and extended fingerings, tremolo, double stopping and many tricks of the trade to help you on your way to mastering the Mandolin. Audio download included
This book presents transcriptions of David Grisman’s solos and accompaniment patterns from the CD Shady Grove. The Shady Grove recording contains some wonderful performances of old-time American music by David Grisman and Jerry Garcia, two of American music’s greatest players. It is a vibrant collection of wonderful traditional American songs, from a great variety of genres, played in a style closely based on their traditional sources.
Strum Together songbooks feature melody, lyrics, and chord diagrams for five popular folk instruments displayed together in an easy-to-use format. With this edition, you can play 47 Dylan classics on ukulele, baritone ukulele, guitar, mandolin, and/or banjo! This is a great resource for stringed instrument players who are ready to experience the fun of making music together. Songs include: All Along the Watchtower · All I Really Want to Do · Blowin' in the Wind · Forever Young · Girl from the North Country · Gotta Serve Somebody · A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall · Highway 61 Revisited · It Ain't Me, Babe · Jokerman · Just like a Woman · Knockin' on Heaven's Door · Lay, Lady, Lay · Like a Rolling Stone · Maggie's Farm · Mr. Tambourine Man · Quinn, the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) · Tangled up in Blue · The Times They Are A-Changin' · and more.
Musick’s Delight on the Modern Cittern is intended for the beginner seeking a collection of simple yet attractive tunes that are enjoyable to play; the more intermediate player desirous of widening their repertoire; and any player in want of a collection of tunes upon which they can build further.
All tunes are presented in both notation and tablature, together with chords for an accompaniment, in GDGDG for cittern and GDAE for mandolin and octave mandola, plus two hundred and fifty chords each for GDGDG and GDAE. Bouzouki and tenor mandola players can also play these tunes via the tablature.
From the age of knights, castles and courtly love; from the palaces and gardens of Renaissance Europe; and from the assemblies, playhouses and noisy streets of seventeenth and eighteenth-century London: Musick’s Delight on the Modern Cittern presents a repertoire spanning 800 years – as delightfully playable and addictive now as it was then.
Clear instructions from a professional; basics, right and left hand techniques, solos, backup, personal advice on performance, and much more. Plus a complete section on the best bluegrass songs and tunes to learn from. The audio features recorded examples and backing tracks for several songs. Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.
Designed for Mandolin players who want to improve their technique quickly, Doc Rossi's ASAP Irish Mandolin contains a series of tunes that will help you to master the style whilst expanding your repertoire.
Book/Online Audio pack. 27 songs with chord changes, performance and fingering suggestions. Designed to give players a repertoire of common tunes and commonly used techniques such as slides, double stops, fiddle shuffles, tremolos, double-time ornaments and syncopation. "Big Mon," "Arkansas Traveler," "Sailor's Hornpipe," "Sally Goodin," "Whiskey Before Breakfast," "Kentucky Mandolin," "Old Dangerfield," more. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.
A new book on improvisation is now available for bluegrass mandolin players. Based on the concept of learning by playing, this 200 page book covers a wide range of improvisation tools and how to implement them in your playing.
A detailed course for those starting to play the mandolin, covering everything from tuning, right and left hand techniques, reading music and tablature, chords, tremolo, scales, tunes, exercises and simple duets to advice on choosing and maintaining an instrument.Inclues free Audio Download.
Increase your lick repertoire. 400 Smokin' Bluegrass Mandolin Licks utilizes 24 common bluegrass chord progressions to teach you over 400 licks, which will allow you to create solos to literally hundreds of bluegrass tunes.
Licks are developed from major, pentatonic and blues scales. Mandolin-specific techniques, such as tremolo, double stops, drone strings, and cross picking are included in many of the phrases. Licks and solos are presented in numerous different keys, including the keys of F, Bb and B. The demo CD includes every lick performed at learning speed.
Twenty tunes in styles from Irish to American, in a variety of tunings, melody and accompaniment, presented in standard notation and tablature, with accompanying Online Audio. Left and right hand techniques and chord voicings are thoroughly discussed.
First Lessons Mandolin teaches the absolute basics of learning to play mandolin from holding the pick to performing easy mandolin tunes. It doesn't get any easier than this! Students learn how to hold the mandolin correctly, how to read mandolin tablature, basic note reading, the most popular mandolin chords, how to play easy melodies in several musical styles, basic picking technique, how to tune the mandolin, and much more. Along the way students will learn about the greatest mandolin players and their music. The main emphasis of First Lessons Mandolin is to get the student up and playing immediately and to have fun doing it! Includes access to online audio and video.
An extremely handy chord reference guide, specifically for the mandolin, showing basic major and minor chords in all keys. Relative minor chord relationships are also shown. A unique additional feature of this premium chart is the inclusion of a mandolin fingerboard diagram. This diagram is appropriate not only for the beginner, but also as quick and ready reference for the more advanced player. A must for the left-handed mandolin enthusiast!
Mastering the mandolin neck can be a challenge, even for very experienced players. The diagrams in this full-color book will help you quickly memorize scales and chords that may have previously seemed difficult to grasp.
You'll be able to easily see and understand how scale and chord shapes are laid out and how they connect and overlap across the neck. The material is presented in all 12 keys, using complete 12-fret neck diagrams with color-coded displays of the most common fingerings.
Just like Book 1, Book 2 of The Hal Leonard Mandolin Method is designed for anyone just learning to play Mandolin. This comprehensive and easy-to-use beginner's guide includes many fun songs of different styles to learn and play. The book includes access to audio tracks online, for download or streaming, using the unique code inside. The tracks provide an audio demonstration of each example in the book performed by the author.
Topics covered include: modes and scales, time signatures, transposing, fretboard positions, solos and duets, styles spanning blues, bluegrass, Celtic, ragtime and more!
The Complete Mandolinist is the most comprehensive American mandolin method to be published in nearly a century. Written by Marilynn Mair, internationally acclaimed mandolinist, recording artist and teacher for over two decades, this book presents a logical approach to mandolin technique that builds on the pioneering efforts of America’s mandolin teachers of the early 20th century.
The mandolin edition of Tone Poems presents notation and tablature for all 17 solos from the remarkable CD of the same name by David Grisman and Tony Rice.