Perfect Touch The Perfect Touch Nickel Thumb Pick


The Perfect Touch Thumb Pick from Rusty Thornhill is a must to be tried by guitar, banjo, dulcimer, dobro and other stringed instrument players that are troubled with standard type thumb picks that feel ‘awkward’ to use. The Perfect Touch Thumb pick has a unique and innovative design. The white Delrin DuPont ‘pick’ is attached to a comfortable double wrap nickel body that fits comfortably, and firmly on your thumb in the ‘perfect position.’
Hand crafted in Tennessee USA by Rusty Thornhill, the Perfect Touch thumb pick ...supplied with a lifetime guarantee that you won't wear it out.

Only left handed available

Full description


Please click on the Sizing Chart  photograph above to enlarge it to full screen viewing

The story of The Perfect Touch Pick' so far, written by our friends in Tennessee
Although National style fingerpicks have been around for the better part a hundred years, few finger-pickers are completely satisfied with how they work and feel. Among the complaints: if they’re adjusted tightly enough to stay on , they hurt, not to mention the hangnails they can cause; for some, clicking picks is an annoyance; for others, it is difficult of impossible to finesse a musical piece with hurting fingers, or while worrying that at that moment a pick might come off and shoot across the stage.

Rusty Thornhill, a lifelong musician, recording studio engineer/producer, author, inventor, and technology developer, played a  gut strung guitar for decades because his finger nails could not endure steel strings for more than one of two songs. Whne he tried to use National style  finger picks, his ‘’touch went out the window.’’ For thirty years he dreamed of a finger pick that would feel like fingernails. He decided to make his heart’s desire a reality. After what seemed like endless hours of development, and a drawer full of hand- made prototypes, Rusty Thornhill’s dream at last emerged from the shadows. The result is what he calls Perfect Touch Finger PicksTM.(patented)

The pick has a unique shape, which virtually prevents clicking. When snugly installed, it is almost impossible to sling them off the fingers. Some say the picks feel like part of the finger when they put them on. And while in truth, they may not feel exactly like fingernails, it’s as close as one is liable to get with a finger pick. With these picks, one can actually achieve the ‘’perfect touch.’’

The picks are designed to reside above the cuticle. The middle finger pick is designed with a low wrap with cut-outs that allow the forefinger pick, which is designed with a unique high wrap, to touch the skin of the middle finger, instead of metal. This design of course, is what prevents clicking. The inside of each pick is lightly abraded, which in addition to the unique wraps, helps prevent the picks from slipping off.


Product Type
accessories, accessory, parts,
Accessory Type
Finger Picks, Flat Picks & plectrums, Thumb Picks,
Instrument Suitability
Banjo, Guitar, Mandolin,
Large, Medium, Small,
Number of Strings
Right or Left Handed
Right Handed, Left Handed,

Customer reviews

4.3 / 5
9 reviews for Perfect Touch The Perfect Touch Nickel Thumb Pick customer reviews
Ernesto Clark
Very comfy to wear and produces rich, loud tones
Rated 5 out of 5
John Smith
The Perfect Touch Thumb Pick is an excellent addition to the Banjo Pickers arsenal. While it looks bulky on the table, it gives great contact and avoids those mishaps of picking the 4th or 5th string with the back of the normal thumb pick. It feels as if it will give years of service and therefore a good value purchase.
Rated 5 out of 5
First class product
Rated 5 out of 5
peter cattee
as described takes a bit of getting used too well made
Rated 4 out of 5
jean luc bourgeon
C'est une affaire personnelle, difficile d'évaluer ce genre de produit. Ce qui me convient n'ira pas forcément à un autre.
Rated 4 out of 5