Schaller GrandTune Machine Heads for A Style Mandolin - Non Reverse

Code: 51063

With the Schaller Grand Tune we have created the ultimate combination of stylish vintage design, accurate tuning and velvety smooth performance. A perfected, classic tuning machine for guitars, as open-gear tuner.

Its 1:18 gear ratio offers unsurpassed precision and durability. The avoidance of synthetic coatings makes it a perfectly resonant unit on any instrument. With its wear-free interaction it will shine and sound as long as your finest mandolins. Experience for yourself how sound quality, tuning stability and performance find unity in these machine heads.

For A-Style Mandolins

Full description


Special features

  • 1:18 gear ratio supports precise and velvet- smooth tuning.
  • Hyper- accurate gear joints and fittings without polymer coatings present perfect stick-slip-performance and zero wear and slackening.
  • The GrandTune features permanently locked, sealed and covered screw joints for zero degradation and maintainance-free performance.
  • New formula bell brass gearwheels guarantee velvet-smooth feel and touch
  • Standard dimensions for easy installation.
  • Countersunk screw holes for solid fit and perfect sound coupling.

Non-reverse design

The worm gear is above the cog/post, the cog/post is pushed in the worm gear by the string tension.


Product Type
Accessory Type
Machine Heads / Tuners
Instrument Suitability
Bouzouki, Mandola (Tenor Mandolin), Mandolin, Octave Mandola,
Number of Strings
8 String